Wombat Stew


Wombat meat 500g

Carrots 2 large or 3 small

Onion 1 large

Swede 1/2 of a medium sized


Chop up the wombat meat and lightly fry in oil until browned.  Pop this into a casserole dish.  Gently fry the diced onion, and when it is soft, add the flour, stir in and add to the casserole dish, along with the carrot and swede and add enough water to cover.

Cook on a low heat for at least two hours.  This is delightful served with dumplings, potatoes or even rice.

Hints & Tips

Wombat meat can be quite tough and stringy, so if you're planning on cooking one for the table, it's a good idea to cook the meat long and slow, so that it has a chance to tenderize.  Being a digging animal, wombat meat is very red and low fat, rather like venison, but it has a unique tang to it.

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